The Lost and Found

I found my notebook!

You know the one that I told you about losing a couple of post ago. I found it and I didn’t even have to burn the city down, which is good because arson can carry a pretty heavy prison sentence. (although that would give me ample time to focus on writing)

So my notebook has been found and in the process about 3 chapters recovered. That was close, because having to rewrite those chapters would have been a massive set back but now that is no longer a concern. Aside from that I have dived headlong into chapter 25 and I have to tell you things are getting pretty hairy. So much so that you know what, I’m going to let you read it. Well i’m going to let you read some of it.

I know, I know in  the last post I went on and on about how I couldn’t let you read anything until I was done. Well guess what, I lie. It’s a large part of the job description of a fiction writer, besides rules are made to be contorted to fit your own selfish needs and desires right? Right?

And now I know what you’re thinking “What about the ‘Honesty in Writing’ post you put up a few weeks ago?” And to that I have a two-part response.

1. Stop using my past blog post against me.

2. You’re taking that post out of context.

Besides we’re not talking about what I said we’re talking about what I’m saying, and I’m trying to tell you I’m posting an excerpt of Chapter 25 once the chapter is done. Don’t worry, there are no spoilers or anything. Just a perfect point in the story to introduce you to my writing style and give you an idea of what type of book I’m actually working on. Now with that being said, let me get out of here. I’ve set a goal to write a chapter a week and my deadline is fast approaching.

Until next time,
